Unfortunately, slavery, human trafficking and child labour remain a hidden blight on our global society and we all have a responsibility to be alert to the risks, no matter how small. We are committed to ensuring that there is no human trafficking, debt bondage, illegal or child labour within our business, across our supply chains, business relationships, or in indeed any part of our business. We are also committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. Albeit our modern slavery risk is low; we remain vigilant and continuously challenge ourselves to better understanding the risk and its associated controls.
This policy outlines our commitment and how we will combat modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour.
Our board of directors have ultimate responsibility for our human rights policy which includes our modern slavery and human trafficking commitment. Risks in relation to ethics and compliance, including human rights, modern slavery and human trafficking are regularly reviewed at our Management Review Meetings. Our team leaders are responsible for upholding our modern slavery commitment across our contracts by ensuring the identification, prevention and mitigation of any adverse human rights, modern slavery and human trafficking impacts caused by, or contributed to by Rapid IT Recycling Ltd.’s operations or by the actions of our customers and supply chain.
Our supply chain is small and UK based, consequently, supplying firms are subject to the same strict modern slavery compliance standards. The majority of our large suppliers exist in structured markets and provide services to us: IT; energy. We therefore assess our supply chain modern slavery exposure to be Very Low. Moreover, we assure ourselves that our suppliers maintain these standards and we are continually seeking improvements in the way we achieve this:
We expect our suppliers to have suitable human rights, modern slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place within their own businesses and to cascade those policies to their own suppliers. This is assured through a strict and assured procurement process.
Combating Modern Slavery; Human Trafficking and Child Labour
We will ensure all our management teams are trained in recognising the signs and risks involved and that every employee receives an induction that includes an awareness on modern day slavery and our policy and expectations.
To ensure modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour is not taking place in any part of our business or our supply chains and that we achieve compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 we will:
• Adopt labour monitoring processes; right to work documentation and payroll audits.
• Maintain a level of communication with our supply chain to ensure their understanding and compliance with our expectations.
• Regularly review our supply chain policies, code of conduct and working practices in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
• Ensure whistle-blowers are protected through our confidential reporting process and are encouraged to identify and report any breaches.
The above procedures are designed to; monitor, identify and assess any risk areas; reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains and provide appropriate protection for whistle-blowers.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Rapid IT Recycling Ltd.’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st October 2023.

Jack Bannister
Managing Director
Date: 8th November 2023
This statement will be reviewed annually.